More About Andrea Levesque

I was a primary school teacher who decided to become a stay-at-home mom after the birth of Tristan in April, 2008. I absolutely adored being a mommy. I loved reading books, playing play-doh and singing songs with my little guy all day. Ok, there were some not so fun parts too (the endless cleaning!) but it was all worth it to see my little guy growing up a little more every day. As I watched him grow, my mind began to wonder what I would do when I eventually headed back into the workforce.

I love babies. I love breastfeeding. I love teaching. So I have decided to pursue a career in lactation consultancy. I currently have an internship at a local community health centre, and I am working to complete my coursework online.

After our little Logan joined us in October 2010, I took a year off from studying to bring my focus back to the family. Now I am back at it again – taking courses and completing my clinical hours to get me closer to certification.

The lactation consultant profession is right in line with my personal philosophies and this career will allow me to have my own business. Having my own practice means I can set my own hours and make sure I am home to get Tristan and Logan on and off the bus to school, and will hopefully allow me some flexibility in my hours so that I can be involved in their school life once the time comes.

Certification is a couple of years away, which suits me just fine as I want to spend these precious early years at home. Eventually, I hope that this will become the webpage for my lactation consultant business!

10 Responses to “More About Andrea Levesque”

  1. Liz Burges-Sims Says:

    Hi there,

    I have struggled through nursing myself and am now assisting many friends and family with their struggles. I too live in Ottawa. Where are you studying? I thought Algonquin had a program but cannot seem to find it? Thanks

  2. Valerie Says:

    Hi Andrea –
    I found your blog in searching Google for “lactation consultant” as terms. I thought you may find some of my hospital based LC stories interesting – at least as a view of what that setting is like.

    If you look under the tags “breastfeeding”, “lactation”, “lactation consultant”, you’ll get to those entries specifically.

    I’ve been an LC officially for a year, working as a hospital LC for two years, working as a nurse in the mother/baby/nursery setting for five years.

    Best of luck!

  3. Jennifer Says:


    My name is Jennifer Throckmorton and I am currently a RN. I am emailing you because I came across your site when I searched lactation consultant. I have an 18 month old daughter and have had such a wonderful nursing experience with her that I now feel as though this is something I would like to pursue.

    I have gone to the IBCLC website and looked at the 3 pathways as well as spoken to one of the certification associates. I am hoping that you can better help guide me or give me some advice. I initially was interested in the first pathway, but am a little baffled at how I would be able to accumulate 1000 hours of clinical time. The second pathway involves a academic program that does not offer distance education and the third pathway would involve me finding a mentor. Any words of wisdom would greatly help. Thanks so much for your time. Jennifer

    • andrealevesque Says:

      Hi Jennifer
      Hi Jennifer

      Thanks for writing! I have no medical background whatsoever, and no accredited LC schools in my city, so pathway 3 was really the only choice for me. I do know a couple of RNs who became LCs and they obtained their hours through their respective employments… it didn’t take them long working with mommy/baby diads in the hospital.

      What area of hospital do you work in? If you could collect your hours at work that would be the easiest. Does your hospital employ any LCs? Getting in touch with them would be a great first step.

      In order to find my mentor, I googled LCs in my city, contacted several, and waited to see who was interested in working with me. πŸ™‚

      All the best. Keep me posted! πŸ™‚


  4. Jennifer Says:

    thank you! πŸ™‚

  5. Colette Says:

    Hi Andrea,
    I can’t beleive I came across this website. I’ve been thinking of pursuing this path for so long, but got confused by the requirements, or felt like I just couldn’t find the time. Now after my third (born in Jun11) i feel like I want to explore this again. I look on the IBLCE website last night and felt like I was looking up an unattainable mountain….then a crazy thought and I google ottawa lactation and started reading your blog.
    I felt empowered to start exploring more and look at options….for me it would also be pathway #3. I would love to ask more questions, but will keep it short for right now.
    Thanks for the inspiration and hope to hear about your progress.

  6. Colette Says:

    I meant to say my last baby was born Jun10

  7. C in Ottawa Says:

    Hi Andrea, I just came across your blog and read your birth story with great interest. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about the midwifery practice you were with, and your midwife. If you are interested please email me! (I’d email you, but I can’t find your address πŸ™‚
    Thank you!

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